Monday, April 4, 2011
Volunteer Opportunities Available
Have you ever wondered how you could help support your golf course other than through your membership? The golf course has many volunteer opportunities available and the board realizes there are many talents available from its membership. Maybe you are willing to help with grounds improvement (for example landscaping)? Maybe you are willing to coordinate a specific project? Maybe you have an idea to pass on that would benefit the course and its members? Our members are vital to the success of this course and the board would appreciate any help that is available. Future projects that have been discussed include an Adopt-AHole program, Facebook advertising. But, like any other project implemented in the past, it takes volunteers to make these projects take off and succeed. Please contact any board member or course superintendent Larry Molitor with your suggestions or offer to help with future projects. You may also send an email to or and your emails will be forwarded. The future of your course relies on you!!
Mixed League To Begin Summer 2011
Plans are currently underway to start a new mixed league this season. Pastor Hans and Joan Sacrison have offered to coordinate this league and are currently looking for participants and/or subs. Partners must be male/female and handicap cards will be required(cards are obtainedthrough the golf course). Details are still beingworked on by the Sacrisons but tentative plans are to start the league in late May/early June. League play will be on Monday nights. Leagueplay will use the modifiedChapman format (both partners tee off and then alternate shot play). A sign up sheet will be placed in the clubhouse in April. If you have any questions or would like additional information on this league, please contact Pastor Hans or Joan at 874-2500.
Outdoor Advertising Improves Grounds

Last summer, the golf course replaced their entrance sign with a more permanent structure that improved the looks of the golf course. Dan Gates, board member, chaired this project by contacting advertisers to help defray costs of this project and arranging contractors to install this sign. Budahl Construction poured the concrete base and Elite Signs and Graphics designed and built the sign.
Thank you to the following businesses for helping support this project: • Gates Heating and Air • Budahl Construction • Cody Krause Construction • Deuel County Pharmacy • Lakewood Inn
Employees Sought for Clubhouse
In preparation of opening the clubhouse next month, the golf course is currently seeking additional employees to help work in the clubhouse for the 2011 season. Members are encouraged to either apply or spread the word to potential applicants. Since the clubhouse is open from dusk to dawn or later, various shifts are available. Applications can either be picked up at Anderson Agency, Main Street in Clear Lake or contact Lisa Lundberg by email at
Awards Night/Men’s League Dates Set
The annual awards night has been set for Thursday, May 5th at the clubhouse. League and club tournament awards will be presented to last season’s winners on this evening. A short men’s league organizational meeting will be held that evening also. The first night of men’s league has been set for Thursday, May 12th. Watch for sign up sheets in the clubhouse next month. Leagues will once again be set up with a 2:00, 3:00, 4:00 and 5:00 league. Each league will consist of a maximum number of 16 two-man teams. Gale Lundberg continues to volunteer his time as league coordinator, setting up the league schedule and posting scores each week at the clubhouse. Any questions regarding men’s league can be directed to him at 881-4265. A September Match Play league will also be started this year with more details coming. Get your partners ready and encourage your friends/coworkers to join a league!
2011 Tournament Schedule Set
The 2011 Clear Lake Golf Course tournament schedule has been set. This year the golf course has added an additional tournament—a two-day tournament in September utilizing both the Clear Lake golf course and the Castlewood golf course. Listed below are the tournament dates for 2011: • June 4th—Good Samaritan Center best-ball tournament • July 16th—Ducks Unlimited best-ball tournament • August 13th— Pheasants Forever bestball tournament • August 20-21—Club Tournament • September 3rd—Fritz Tournament • September 10-11—2- day Tournament (Castlewood-Clear Lake)
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