Thursday, May 12, 2011

Men's League Cancel Thurday May 12th

Due to rain, wet grounds, and cold, men's league is canceled Thursday May 12th.  the Club house will still be open so come out for a drink, a bite to eat or just to visit.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Annual Meeting Postponed to May 22nd

The golf course annual meeting will be held Sunday May 22nd at 2:00 p.m. at the club house. All members are encouraged to attend to hear past and future activity of the course. President Randy Petrick will
lead the meeting. The meeting will include minutes of the last years meeting, financial reports, old and new business of the course. The course is required to have a quorum attend this meeting to conduct business, so mark your calander and plan to attend.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Volunteer Opportunities Available

Have you ever wondered how you could help support your golf course other than through your membership? The golf course has many volunteer opportunities available and the board realizes there are many talents available from its membership. Maybe you are willing to help with grounds improvement (for example landscaping)? Maybe you are willing to coordinate a specific project? Maybe you have an idea to pass on that would benefit the course and its members? Our members are vital to the success of this course and the board would appreciate any help that is available. Future projects that have been discussed include an Adopt-AHole program, Facebook advertising. But, like any other project implemented in the past, it takes volunteers to make these projects take off and succeed. Please contact any board member or course superintendent Larry Molitor with your suggestions or offer to help with future projects. You may also send an email to or and your emails will be forwarded. The future of your course relies on you!!

Mixed League To Begin Summer 2011

Plans are currently underway to start a new mixed league this season. Pastor Hans and Joan Sacrison have offered to coordinate this league and are currently looking for participants and/or subs. Partners must be male/female and handicap cards will be required(cards are obtainedthrough the golf course). Details are still beingworked on by the Sacrisons but tentative plans are to start the league in late May/early June. League play will be on Monday nights. Leagueplay will use the modifiedChapman format (both partners tee off and then alternate shot play). A sign up sheet will be placed in the clubhouse in April. If you have any questions or would like additional information on this league, please contact Pastor Hans or Joan at 874-2500.